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Order your CITRUS Fruit HERE
THANK YOU for your support.
Deadline to order is February 14.

The Ridgewood High School Band Program is renowned
as one of New Jersey's top comprehensive music programs, and is Bergen County's largest band program
with over 200 students involved each year.

With their show Teenage Wasteland, the RHSMB won the USBands Group 4A State and National Championships. This is the band's first national title since 1997. The RHSMB would like to thank everyone that made this possible, including band parent volunteers and marching band staff. After their exciting promotion into open class for the 2025 season, we look to the future for an equally rewarding season in a new competition class.

Welcome 8th Grade Students & Parents! Be sure to visit our Incoming Students Page & follow us on Instagram (@ridgewoodhsband).
​ALUMNI - Please visit our alumni page by clicking here!
Congratulations to the marching band for their promotion from USBands A Class to Open Class competition! We're excited for the next chapter of the RHSMB and to see what is in store for next season!
Upcoming Events
Feb 6
Maroon & White Recital
3:45 PM - 5:45 PM | RHS Learning Commons
Feb 8
NJ Region I Junior Region Band Audition
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM | TBD
Feb 11
Jazz Ensembles Concert
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM | RHS Little Theatre
Mar 1
Citrus Delivery Day
6:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Orchard Elementary School
Mar 11
District Jazz Showcase
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Ridgewood High School
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